These games include a mixture of regular high-frequency words and irregular/tricky/common exception words.
See our articles on sight words and High-Frequency Words and Tricky/Common Exception Words for an explanation of the different terminology.
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Sight Words Pop-Up Game
The sight words pop-up game is located on the ‘Teach Your Monster to Read’ site. Monsters with different high frequency words on their tummies jump up and children are asked to click on the one that the narrator says.
The game is designed to develop children’s automaticity for reading the 100 most common high-frequency words. It’s quite simple and suitable for children in reception or kindergarten.
Spelling frame High-Frequency Words
There are several free games on the Spellingframe site and you can access more if you register with the site for a small annual fee. The high-frequency words are narrated and used in sentences and the child attempts to reproduce the correct spellings. We think this is a useful resource for helping children with their spellings of high-frequency words.
The Dinosaur’s Eggs High-Frequency Words
In this game, each dinosaur egg has a different high-frequency word written under it. The narrator says a word and the child must click on the correct one. You can click on a speaker icon if you want to hear the word again. A baby dinosaur pops out of the egg if they choose correctly. The words are arranged in groups so you can choose the ones most appropriate for the ability of your child.
Click on the following link to access the dinosaur’s eggs high-frequency words game.
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High-Frequency Word Bingo
There are some free printable bingo cards that you can use with this game, and you can choose different groups of high-frequency words. You ‘pull the handle’ and a high-frequency word will appear. Your kids then check to see if they have the word on their card.
Click on the following link to access high-frequency word bingo.
IXL High-Frequency Word Games
The IXL website has some simple sight word/high-frequency word games in the English section for each year group. You can see an example below.
There is a limited amount of free access to the site, or you can join for a trial with a special offer:
IXL Learning cover 8000 skills in 5 subjects including phonics and reading comprehension. You can click on the following link to access a 7-day free trial if you live in the US.
If you live outside of the US you can get 20% off a month’s subscription if you click on the ad. below:
Sight Word Smash
In this game, the narrator says a word and the child clicks on the block with the word on it to smash it. They then click on the block a second time to remove it. Extra words appear and stack up during the game.
Click on the following link to access sight word smash.
Sight Word Safari
In this game, a character drives a safari jeep and the narrator says a word as they pass some animals. The child has to click on the same word written above an animal.
Click on the following link to access sight word safari.
Kitten Hop Dolche Words
This game can be played by an individual child or in groups. The narrator says a word and the child has to click on the ball of wool with the word on it to hop from one ball to the next.
Click on the following link to access the kitten hop game.
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Starfall Sight Words Game
This is a matching game where the child clicks on a star to reveal a word and then tries to find a matching word. If they get a correct match the word is narrated and the stars for that word disappear.
Click on the following link to access the Starfall sight words game.
Little bird Spelling
This is a common exception words game from ict games. The pieces of bread have letters on them, and the idea is to move the correct pieces of bread up to spell the word. You then click on check and the robins take the bread away when you get it right.
This game uses the words listed in the National Curriculum in England as being ‘Common Exception Words’. Some reading programmes might also describe them as tricky words, red words, camera words. You can choose different word lists by clicking on different bird boxes. Click on one of the images below to access the game.
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Free Captions Game
This game from ict games draws a series of images and children can discuss what captions might be appropriate for each image. The sketches are linked to the captions in the Letters and Sounds phonics programme and you can choose different sets based on the knowledge of the children you are teaching.
Click on the following link to access the captions game. There is a video explaining how to use it below the image.
Further Resources:
Another way to access free online games and activities is to register with some of the specialist reading programmes that offer free trials.
For example:
Parents and teachers can register for a 30-day free trial with Reading Eggs. This allows you to access over 500 highly interactive games and fun animations for developing Phonemic awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension.
A 30-day free trial is also available from This is a leading online educational website for children ages 2–8. With more than 9,000 interactive learning activities that teach reading, math, science, art, music, and more.
Although it’s not quite free, you can get a 30-day trial with the award-winning Hooked on Phonics programme for just $1.
IXL Learning cover 8000 skills in 5 subjects including phonics and reading comprehension. You can click on the following link to access a 7-day free trial if you live in the US.
If you live outside of the US you can get 20% off a month’s subscription if you click on the ad. below: